"We’ve established a firm foundation with the best research available, and the best research shows that hormones are not something to casually mess around with. Any conclusions showing the contrary should be met with eyebrows raised so high they greet God in heaven. "

That seems overly generic as a conclusion.

At the very least, it should be necessary to amend this conclusion by studying on insulin-based treatments for diabetics and thyoxin-based treatments for hypothyroisdism.

This should not be cause to reject the conclusion of this essay outright. The most important facet of current sex-based treatments is the dearth of good studies validating such treatments. It should, however, be cause to nuance one's opinion on hormone-based treatments.

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One area that was not touched on here - and seems like potentially a more judicious use of hormones - is hormone replacement therapy for older people whose natural levels decline

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This is an incredible amount of research thank you so much. Deeply interesting.

One question I have was around the line “One shocking statistic that I never knew prior to researching this topic was that 90% of women ages 16 to 64 have used birth control at some point in their lifetimes.”

I wonder if the phrasing of that question is a bit confusing as the use of condoms is technically birth control as are copper IUDs which are non-hormonal.

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